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June U. Christie - Мемориальный вебсайт онлайн

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June Christie
Родился вJamaica
57 years
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Hazel Christie LESSON OF HEALTHY LIFESTYLE January 21, 2013
God makes three requests of His children...
Do the best you can, where you are and with what you have now.
----- African Proverb

It has been a year since the passing of our sister June , although it seemed as if it were only yesterday.

Mom always said, "You all must stay together".
We have always been  a close-knit family and I am convinced that with one of the link broken through June's passing it has brought us even closer.

As you wear your Blue Ribbon for Cancer Awareness think of the real risks to your health and encourage others to practice HEALTHY LIFESTYLES.

Hazel Christie
Norma Christie Timothy Cawley | A STRONG VOICE OF REASON... January 20, 2013

I came to know Ms. Christie as a young child attending Liguanea Prep School. I never did ‘attend’ Mona Prep, but through my mother who was employed there I had the benefit of having the MPS experience: meeting friends for a lifetime, and receiving quality education from some of the best teachers. One of whom was Ms. Christie.


We grew to become good friends, worshipping at Hope United, singing on the Choir together and sharing in many ways more than others would understand. She was a strong voice of reason, and through her knowledge, experience and expertise she has touched the lives of many persons on earth.


Auntie Junie, the Lord has found it fit to call you home. To give comfort to your physical body and to those who loved and cared for you.


Requiem defunctorum in vita aeterna – Eternal rest granted, in life’s eternity.


Timothy Cawley


Norma Christie A BUTTERFLY... January 20, 2013

A butterfly alights beside us
like a sunbeam

And for a brief moment
Its glory and beauty belong
to our world

But then it flies again
And though we wish
it could have stayed...

We feel lucky to have seen it
Norma Christie Andrea Richards | ...A TRUE FRIEND January 19, 2013
June, I sit and wonder each passing day,
Why the Lord chose to call you away.
I think He saw that you needed rest...
He only takes the very best.
June, your presence I will miss
but your memory I will treasure,
of those happy days we have spent together.
Thank you for loving and sharing,
for giving and caring and for just being you...
the epitome of a true friend.
Andrea Richards
Norma Christie Jason Reynolds | MY HERO ...WIND BENEATH MY WINGS January 19, 2013
Dear Friends,
Psalm 116:15 says;"Precious in the sight of the Lord is the
death of his saints."
It is very rare that we cross paths with people in our lives
that we can truly say have helped chart the course of our
destiny. In a day and age where good teachers are as
precious as Gold, one rarely has the opportunity to have
their life impacted so profoundly by not just a teacher, but
a Mother away from home.
As I am writing this tribute, I can't hold back the emotion
that swells up within me. As tears fill my eyes, I begin to
remember the joy brought into my life by Ms. Christie. I say
without a shadow of doubt, that I am the man I am today in
part because of the indelible mark left on my life by Ms.
Christie. Even though I had two short years with her as my
teacher, God designed it so that she would also teach my
younger brother and so the relationship continued. I always
thought of her as a part of our family. She created such a
loving environment in the classroom, it was more than just
a place of learning. She instilled in us values. Something
that is rare but so needed in our societies today. Discipline
was without question but she always administered punishment
in love. I will never forget her!
The funny thing is, the day before we heard of her passing,
My wife and I sat on the couch in our living room, as we
always do, discussing our future. We talked about how
scared we were of raising our kids in the North American
public school system. I turned to her and said, "I wish they
had teachers and schooling here like they do in Jamaica. I
wish you were able to meet one of my former teachers, Ms.
Christie. She was more than just a teacher!" The next
morning, my brother called me with the news and I felt like
my world was shaken. She was, undeniably, the best teacher I ever had BUT more than that, she has changed my life. We all wish for immortality, we wish we could live forever. To most, this is unattainable BUT to some, they live on through the impact and the legacy they leave through
the lives of those who have come in contact with them. Ms.
Christie is one such person. In the words of that song, she
really was "MY HERO, The wind beneath my wings!"
God bless the family and may he comfort you in this time
of loss. I would greatly appreciate if you could read this on
Saturday. I will never forget those countless times we sat
in those pews at HOPE. I will be there in spirit. May God
provide the strength you need in this difficult time!
God Bless,
Jason Reynolds
President and Head Audio Engineer
Anjel Music Productions
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