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June U. Christie - Online Memorial Website

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June Christie
Born in Jamaica
57 years
Norma Christie
As the New Year begins your absence is felt but we have the memories of happier times to comfort us.
to: June Christie
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Norma Christie Hazel | GROWING UP WITH A SISTER WHO LOVED LIFE January 18, 2013
My sister, June loved life and she enjoyed it to the maximum.

She knew what she wanted and despite challenges she persevered especially with her career as a teacher and her education. She was very dedicated and never gave up on any child. Her hours at school were often long, spent preparing lessons and marking students’ books.

She was a happy person, seeming to go through life, devoid of “those little worries” affecting other persons. From childhood, she always had lots of friends. June was often admonished by our mother for staying late at friends’ homes. She was always surrounded by people who were willing to offer their assistance and support in any number of ways and developed lasting relationships. June was always happy to go on an excursion and always persuaded our parents to allow her to go on school and church trips. As a member of the Girl Guides Association, she took her responsibilities seriously. She was also involved in church activities from early and was part of the Youth Movement and church choir.

Growing up, we had a happy childhood. I recalled that she always had a book whether reading or studying. Many times she did not complete chores because she was focused on homework and would always ensure that it was done and done well.

My brother, Elmore and I always had fun trying to get her away from the books. My brother would often sneak up and pretend to take something from her, and then run. Of course not knowing what was taken she would give chase while complaining to our parents. And I would run behind cheering them on and adding to the excitement!

She loved clothes and she loved to shop. She was always well-dressed and colour-coordinated and would acquire the latest fashions in clothes, jewellery and accessories.

Many times I spent an entire day tramping through the shopping malls with her or on my own as we tried to find that perfect match for whatever outfit she needed to coordinate whether for wearing to that special event or simply for school or church. Oh those hours we spent, sometimes late into the night “tie-dyeing” everything from t-shirts to skirts when that was the “in-thing”. And of course, in the period when the National Festival celebrations had fashion themes, she was not to be out-done.

Of course, in recent times, our sister Norma introduced her to internet shopping which started another frenzied round of fashion acquisition.
Quality perfumes were also a passion of hers. I remember the days of the “Big Wheel” and “Enchanted Garden” and other Stanley Home products which she would purchase from catalogues. I shared a room with her and the smells were always fantastic.

Gift-giving was also important to her and she would always ensure that she provided gifts for all the people who helped her including staff members, - those persons who provided her lunch or other forms of support at school as well as family members.

June had a hearty appetite and enjoyed good food. I loved to cook and would prepare most of what she ate at home or took to school. She was rarely allowed in the kitchen.

This was definitely not her area and you could tell or sometimes… smell!
 My sister, June was a very special person who will always have a special place in my heart. It was very challenging to observe her go through her illness and to care for her. However, God gave me the love and strength to be there for her. I was holding her in my arms as she slipped away.
I will always love you June. May God grant you that divine peace and rest  safely in the arms of Jesus.
Norma Christie Deon | MY CONFIDANTE January 18, 2013

Christie Girl, My Confidante

The one I shared daily happenings

My spontaneous friend

The journey to rural Jamaica and Port Royal will never be the


Not to mention the “partner”

First draw…. Paid

And you are not the recipient.


Walk Good.

My true friend to the end.

Deeply missed but not forgotten.


Norma Christie CELEBRATING A LIFE OF INSPIRATION January 18, 2013

Hers is a life to be celebrated. June Christie's legacy is the many people she inspired and the lives she changed.

How do you explain, why children were drawn to her? Why even after moving on to Grade 6 they would return day after day to Grade 5 Christie to talk with her, to help her mark books and prepare the classroom for the next day?
She would recognize the strengths of her students from early and was always challenging them to learn more and thinking of and researching interesting ways of presenting lessons. She was methodical in giving assignments and correcting them. They felt privileged to have such a teacher.

Although she was recognized for her dedicated service, I opine that the most important recognition given June was the love and affection of her many friends, a love and affection that was mutual. The links of friendship had no boundaries stretching across Jamaica, The Caribbean, England, South Africa, Canada and the United States. This was especially noticeable during her stay at Andrews Memorial Hospital last year where there was a daily trek of visitors.

One day, she related that a stranger came especially to meet her because she had heard that she was ‘the most popular person’ on the ward!

Everyone wanted to do something for June and they did.

But then, her life epitomized giving, giving to all, children youth, adult alike.
June was always a very optimistic person. Her lighthearted, enthusiastic and warm spirit was infectious.

During her health difficulties, she was ever brave; she never lost her sense of humour.

It is our sincere hope that this publication will celebrate the unique personality and the precious memory of June Ulani Christie and inspire others to make a difference and so make the world a little brighter.
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